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Board Member Position
Lori Halverson President
Caroline Kawino Vice President
Dawn Crowe Treasurer
Beth Iseminger Secretary
Richard Lamusga Board member
Martin Evtimov Board member
Realtor/Prospective Homebuyer Inquiries:
Contact FirstService Residential for all homeowner inquiries. The preferred method is to open a request ticket online. Visit our support landing page at and click on “Submit a Request.” Our local RSS (Resident
Support Services) Team solves all inquiries submitted through this site and may consult with the Association Manager as needed.
2. You may also reach us by calling our Customer Care Center at 952-277-2700. If the Customer Care Center is not able to answer your question, they will enter the question into the central Connect response center for a response by a management associate.
About Board Positions:
Officers terms are 1 year and they are nominated and appointed in a special (Closed) meeting of the Board of directors after the conclusion of the annual meeting in February. These are appointed positions made by the Board of Directors.
A board director’s term is for 3 years and they are elected by ballot by the Association at the Annual meeting of Members in Febuary of each year. Each year 3 positions are up for election.
If a Board member resigns before their term is up then their replacement will serve out the remainder of the departing Board member’s original term.